Down Clusters

Not to be confused with a feather... The down cluster is three dimensional, containing thousands of filaments radiating from a central point (think 3D snowflake).

Each of these filaments has nodes (points) that interlock with other clusters, which trap large pockets of air creating the lightest, fluffiest, and warmest filling for your duvet. With no spiky bit (like feathers) down has the unique ability to compress completely and bounce back to its three dimensional shape. While many synthetic alternatives have tried to mimic the shape of a down cluster, nothing has come close.

Fill Power

Fill power is simply a measurement of loft (or space) within your doona, and the best way to quickly ascertain the quality of down.

Fill power measures the amount of air trapped in cubic inches per 30 grams of down. It is determined by the strength and size of the down clusters. Smaller down clusters will trap less air and thus, have a lower fill power. And the higher fill powers will contain the largest and strongest down clusters.

Fill Weight

While fill power is a measurement of quality and space, fill weight refers to the quantity of down inside your doona.

Surprisingly, a high fill weight doesn’t necessarily mean a warmer product. For example, you could have a product with high fill weight and low fill power, but it won’t be as warm as a product with low fill weight but high fill power. The Bonny doona has exceptionally high fill power so that you can get a warm and cozy sleep from a fluffy and lightweight doona.

Thread Count

Quite literally, thread count measures the number of threads per square inch of fabric. It’s an important measurement of quality when it comes to textiles.

But don’t be fooled by super high numbers - this does not necessarily mean a more luxurious product. Higher thread counts typically use finer, softer fibres, however research has shown that the quality of the product can begin to diminish where the thread count exceeds 500. This is because multiple layers are used on top of each other, making it a heavier product that doesn’t last as long.


RDS stands for ‘Responsible Down Standard’, which independently certifies down against animal welfare requirements and tracks it from original source to the final product.

The RDS is a certification governed by the Textile Exchange. All Bonny doonas are RDS certified, meaning that ethical and sustainable animal welfare practices were used across both the feather and down supply chain. More information on the RDS can be found here.

Track My Down

Bonny products are traceable through, meaning you are able to see all the important details behind the down inside your doona.

At Bonny we are all about sustainability and transparency: if you are purchasing one of our doonas you should know exactly where the down comes from. We have partnered with Track My Down which provides every Bonny doona with a lot number that can be entered into the Track My Down website. Here you can learn more about the important elements of the down inside your doona – from cleanliness, content analysis, to its original source.

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